Friday, March 2, 2012

EDTA Chelation Therapy: Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Occlusion, An Alternative to Amputation

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EDTA Chelation Therapy: Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Occlusion, An Alternative to Amputation

H. Richard Casdorph, MD, Ph.D. and Charles H. Farr, MD, Ph.D.
Dr. H. Richard Casdorph is currently Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California Medical School, Irvine, California. He practices internal medicine and specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular disease at Long Beach, California. He received his training in cardiovascular diseases at the Mayo Clinic and received his Ph.D. degree in Medicine from the University of Minnesota. More recently he has taught at UCLA Medical School and has been Chief of Medicine at Long Beach Community Hospital. Dr. Charles H. Farr is Chairman of the American Board of Chelation Therapy and Diplomate in Chelation Therapy of the American Academy of Medical Preventics. He is currently in private practice in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

ABSTRACT: Four patients are presented, each of whom represents end stage occlusive peripheral arterial disease with gangrene of the involved extremity. These patients had exhausted all traditional forms of therapy and they had all been referred for surgical amputation. Instead of surgery, intravenous EDTA chelation therapy was instituted with complete success in each case. These gangrenous extremities all healed and were saved from amputation. Long-term follow-up, extending for more than a year, indicates that all four patients are continuing to do well, with their previously gangrenous extremities intact and pain free. Adjunctive therapies included vitamin and mineral supplementation and, in two cases, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO).

Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Volume 2, Numbers 1/2, Spring/Summer 1989
For the full-text study, go to your nearest medical library or order

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  1. Our experience since 1994 with chelation therapy for ischemic heart disease, cerebral ischemia and peripheral artery disease has been excellent.. My and my wife's training in MBBS and MD caused our first reaction about Chelation Therapy in 1992-1993 to be a biased negative. One of the reasons that ''forced'' me to practice Chelation therapy was when someone close to me had a coronary artery stent failure within just a couple of months. He wanted me to explore other options as he could not afford bypass surgery.
    I took training and did his chelation therapy not expecting any benefit - but he made a marvelous recovery. One patient led to another. It took us three years to finally come top terms with our mental bloc\k and finally accept Chelation Therapy as an effective, safe and economical treatment. With the experience of Chelation we ventured into other non-invasive, non-surgical treatment and today when anyone wants to explore non-surgical options for any ailment they contact us.. Anyone wanting information is welcome to contact us. We do wish that there is more research on this and other non-surgical treatments and invite like minded medical and non medical persons to support our efforts.- Dr Sibia

  2. Nice Blog thanks for Posting. Also check the best
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